Birtley Lintels - The hot dipped galvanised steel lintel for added protection against the elements. The standard range of Birtley steel lintels is available for delivery in 2-3 days via our electronic order system. We also keep heavy duty Birtley Steel lintels and extra heavy duty Birtley steel lintels up to 5100mm in length!
Cavity Width 125mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, standard duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 14 working days. Not suitable for point loads or concrete floors.
Cavity Width 125mm, 125-140mm WIL, standard duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 14 working days.
This lintel is not suitable for point loads or concrete floors.
Cavity Width 75mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, standard duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 7 working days.
Not suitable for point loads or concrete floors.
Cavity Width 75mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, heavy duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 7 working days. Must have solid, fully jointed infill to inner leaf.
Cavity Width 100mm, 125-140mm WIL, standard duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 14 working days. Not suitable for point loads or concrete floors.
Cavity Width 100mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, heavy duty from Birtley. Must have solid, fully jointed infill to inner leaf. Birtley Supergalv range Lintel CB90HD, available in sizes 750 - 3000mm. Delivery in 3 days from our extensive stock warehouse.
Cavity Width 125mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, heavy duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 14 working days. Must have soild, fully jointed blockwork infill to inner leaf.
Cavity Width 75mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, heavy duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 7 working days. Must have soild, fully jointed blockwork infill to inner leaf.
Cavity Width 100mm, Inner Leaf 100mm, heavy duty Birtley Supergalv lintel. Available in 750-5100mm lengths. Delivery 3 working days from order - supplied from our own extensive stock.
Cavity Width 100mm, 125-140mm WIL, heavy duty from Birtley. Delivery approximately 7 working days. Must have solid, fully jointed blockwork to inner leaf.